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Why Use Bamboo Cutlery

Humans have been using bamboo for centuries. It is widely considered a great plant because it is used in construction, manufacturing, decoration, as a food source; the list goes on and on. Growing bamboo can help us balance oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A bamboo forest releases 35% more oxygen than an equivalent tree. Therefore, planting bamboo is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help fight global warming. It is the best choice for going green.

Why Use Bamboo Cutlery

As consumers worldwide become more conscious of the environmental impact of using plastic products, naturally renewable cutlery such as bamboo cutlery is becoming increasingly popular. We want to focus on the advantages of bamboo as cutlery.

Why Use Bamboo Cutlery

What are the benefits of using bamboo cutlery?

1. Environmentally friendly 

The first benefit of bamboo cutlery is the environmental benefits of bamboo. Bamboo is a highly renewable and extremely fast-growing natural material. This makes it ideal for dishes and other cooking equipment because it can be quickly produced without killing the plant. It is also biodegradable, which makes it suitable for use in disposable cutlery sets.

2. Sustainability

Bamboo can grow at a fantastic rate. Bamboo's short growth cycle and high CO2 exchange rate make it an excellent plant to replace trees. A mature bamboo forest sends out new shoots every year. These new shoots reach their full size in just a few months. Some grow 47 inches in 24 hours and can get over 100 feet in 60 days. This short growth cycle makes it a great alternative to the slow-growing forests we are steadily cutting back. When you cut down a hardwood, the tree dies. To replace that tree, it can take up to 20 years to harvest a viable crop again. In contrast, bamboo can grow at a rate of 3 feet in 24 hours.

3. High strength

Bamboo's tensile strength exceeds even that of steel. Tensile strength is the measure that determines how likely a material is to break. The beauty of bamboo is that it is not made to die. Instead, bamboo can bend in solid wind and rainstorms. When bamboo culms are cut and compressed, they rival the strength of most steel. This makes bamboo cutlery stronger than woodencutlery during use and a better experience in service.

 4. Attractive appearance 

Bamboo cutlery, bamboo utensils are widely recognized for their elegant and natural look. They are great for adding a natural look to any home or kitchen, in addition to airports, restaurants, parties, bars, catered events, and weddings.

 5. Affordable price 

Bamboo cutlery is also affordable. They are cheap enough to be used as disposable cutlery at events and sturdy enough to be reused with proper care. This makes them great for all-around use.

Eco-Friendly Biodegradable Cutlery Set By EcoBifrost

Purchase Eco-friendly Cutlery Set Today From EcoBifrost


86 755 83315157
Room 1106, Tower B, Phase 2, Excellence City, Shangmeilin, Shenzhen, China


Room 1106, Tower B, Phase 2, Excellence City, Shangmeilin, Shenzhen, China